Channel: deviantART: by:chochachola

Waiting for my favourite gadget

Too many sophisticated gadgets that i wanna buy. But there're also too many obstacles that i have to dare! Money! Yap..that's the 1st thing which make me feel annoying!

Here it is!

and the other things which can make me interesting and spending my day happily

Now, i have planning to save my money; and i promise with myself; if i can save a lot of money i will buy them! haha
I really wanna get them!

just pray for me! and wish me luck guys!


I'm in love with The Joshua Files

Hari ini tadi pas lagi mau dubbing di rumah abi ( alhasil gak jadi dubbing -,- ) gue iseng-iseng ngeliat ke rak bukunya abi. Trus buku pada pandangan pertama yg gue ambil adalah BOTCHAN. Hmm novel itu pernah gue beli utk hadiah sobat gue. Trus buku kedua yg menarik perhatian gue adalah The Joshua Files_Invisible City by M.G.Harris. Pertama kali gue ngeliat bentuk fisiknya tuh gue udh males bngt. Trus gue iseng-iseng baca gtu. Hmmm lumayanlah menguras otak. Tapi lama kelamaan gue makin jatuh cinta sama itu novel. Bener-bener menarik buat gue.Gak biasanya gue bisa sejatuh cinta ini sm novel hahaha.

Oke intinya gue bener-bener lagi jatuh cinta sm novel karya M.G.Harris. Gue juga berniat utk ngoleksi keempat bukunya; yg blm smuanya terbit hahaha.

That's all. Thanks.

28 CUP 2010?!@#$%

I've regretted to be a committee of 28 CUP 2010 aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!!!!

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